Who is Jonas McRouter?
Hello, my name is Jonas McRouter. I was born and raised in 29 Palms, California (near Joshua Tree National Monument, in the California desert). My parents were not-so-famous explorers who were lost on an expedition when I was just a young boy. I was raised by my eccentric uncle in a small shack just outside of town. My uncle was a good man, but he did not see the need for me to go to school. My days were filled with catching small animals (snakes, lizards, rabbits, etc.) and exploring the open desert. As much fun as that might sound, everyday I longed to be in school to learn with the other boys and girls.
As the years went by I knew that my destiny was to follow in my parents footsteps and explore the United States. Along the way, I hope to find new and exciting people and places, and of course learn something new everyday. My goal is to document my adventures so that we can learn these things together.
Always remember… Life’s an Adventure!
-Jonas McRouter
Contact Information:
Jonas McRouter
P.O. Box 5472
Los Alamitos, CA 90721-5472
Email Jonas: